The Senior Special Adviser (SSA) New Media to the Executive Governor of Bauchi state, Lawal Muazu recently conveyed the Governor’s message on channeling the state’s rich cultural heritage towards nurturing the generation with relevant skills, knowledge and resilience required for navigating through the challenges of the 21st century.

That is a timely advocacy and a good move by the state government and wish to compliment. Models, plans and projections are best applicable and achievable when the paths to execution are defined, reliable and sustainable. Traditional leaders are the custodians of cultures and traditions of every society in Nigeria. African civilization can be traced back to our ancient cultures and traditions and will not fail to recognize the relevance of Hausa States of Kano, Katsina, Zaria and Gobir; Kanem Bornu Empire; and the Jukun states of Kwararafa, Kona, Pinduga, and Wukari that spearheaded pre-colonial civilizations in Northern Nigeria. 

Colonialism was what weakened our traditional institutions as the colonialists came in with interests to have geographical control over areas and people in it. They devised ways of weakening the original traditional institutions through policies and directives to gain full control of people and resources. Same methods were inherited after independence and formed part of our constitutions still in use till date. 

With the return of democracy, the traditional institutions have further been endangered and politicized which has relatively affected their performances. There are many records of First class Emirs and Chiefs dethroned due to political crisis. Such experiences have made many traditional leaders skeptical to get in the wrong books of powerful political merchants. 

The relevance of traditional institution on every Nigerian cannot be over emphasized because everyone traces his or her root to a family clan, society and traditional jurisdiction. Traditional institutions involve all families and serve as the first line of transformation of human lives before their subsequent contact with any aspect of the human society. Governor Bala Mohammed understands the relevance and hence his intended synergy with the Traditional Institutions to utilize the state’s rich cultural heritage towards developing human resources in terms of skills, knowledge and other capacities for national development.

On this note, it is pertinent to appeal to the Executive Governor to carry every indigene along and see the importance of speeding up the process of approving the long overdue Zaar (Sayawa) chiefdom by giving appointment letter and staff of office to the Gungzaar-select, Retired Air Commodore Ishaku Komo who has proven worthy by holding the position-in waiting for over a decade. That is the yearning of every Zaar person and such rallying point will have a huge impact on the political and economic drive of the state. With one voice of a leader who is loved and trusted by majority of his people, people will get highly organised and compliant and there will not be much stress on the state to push progressive agendas. The Governor should while using his discretion, understand that certain elements within and outside his domain might be trying to sabotage his efforts on his progressive agenda towards utilizing the traditional institution within the state by imposing their selfish motives. We pray for the achievement of his agenda and in full support of his good policies.

Minigom Ayuba
President, International Society of Zaar Intellectuals (ISOZI)


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